The Inkdrop
The Inkdrop

Delivery Policy

Delivery Fees

Orders Within Same Day / Next Day Delivery Radius

We charge a R50 delivery fee for orders less than R1000. Our same day / next day delivery radius is illustrated on the map.

Orders Outside Same Day / Next Day Delivery Radius

A R225 delivery fee will be charged on orders that fall outside our delivery radius. Orders that fall outside our delivery radius will take 2-3 business days to deliver.

Same Day / Next Day Delivery Times

Day Order Placed Time Order Placed First Possible Delivery Day
Monday-Friday Before 13:00 PM 24-48 Hours
Monday-Friday After 13:00 PM 24-48 Hours
Saturday, Sunday & Public Holidays Any Time The Following Business Day

Delivery Terms & Conditions

  • All deliveries are subject to stock availability.
  • While we try our best to honour the advertised delivery times we cannot be held liable for delays that are beyond our control such as traffic or road accidents.
  • Orders can only be processed once payments reflect in our bank account.
  • Please make sure that someone is available to accept the delivery on arrival.
  • We do not deliver to PO Boxes or lot numbers.

What Are My Payment Options?

  • Credit Card / Debit Card (if the Debit Card allows for online payment like a Credit Card)
  • Instant EFT
  • Master Pass & Visa Checkout

I Have Sent Back An Empty For A Credit What Happens Now?

If the cartridge you have sent can be remanufactured (I.E is an OEM product) we will e-mail you a discount code to be used with your next online purchase. If we cannot remanufacture the cartridge you sent back we will dispose of it in an environmentally responsible manner.

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